
Commanditor is a simple text-editor to edit your files stored on Google Drive™.

It has multiple Color-Themes and support for Syntax-Highlighting for many languages, including Javascript, HTML, Python, Java, and many more.



(Edit your files by opening them via the Google Drive interface.)


The Editor is based on the powerful Monaco Editor, which is part of Visual Studio Code.

Monaco Editor is released under the MIT License.

This software is provided AS IS and for free, without warranty of any kind.
You can view its source code on GitHub.

Privacy Policy

Commanditor does not transfer or save any of your personal data to its own servers.
It only directly from your browser accesses the files you open, create and edit with it via Google Drive, as well as its own configuration files.
(Configuration files are stored in a hidden AppData-Folder in your own Google Drive and in local Browser-Storage for faster load-times)

You can delete the configuration or disconnect the application from your Google Account in your Google Drive Settings.